Bates County News

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

City of Butler/ Request for Proposals for Renovations

 Request For Proposals


City Hall Renovations, Butler Missouri


PROPOSAL NUMBER: RFP #200   |      ISSUE DATE: July 17, 2024


The City of Butler is soliciting proposals for the renovation of our City Hall (22 W. Ohio) including exterior paint of City Hall, signage, and foundation work.  Bids may include multiple firms, but one must be acting as the General Contractor.


Qualified firms should respond with nine (9) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of their qualifications to include the following information. Limit submissions to 15 single sided 8 ½ x 11 pages. Covers and tabs are not part of the page count. Please include:


1.      General information about the company.


2.      Key personnel of the firm and their experience and qualifications. Provide information for any subcontractors as well. Please be brief.


3.      Three (3) examples of experience with related projects including ability to work within budget constraints and ability to meet schedules.


4.      References.


5.      Please include total costs for the project for each of three (3) aspects of the project.


6.      Warranty information.


7.      Costs and timeframe.


All submissions must be received by 10 a.m. CST, Thursday, August 29, 2024, to the attention of:


Corey Snead, City Administrator

Reference Proposal No. RFP #200

The City of Butler

PO BOX 420

22 W. Ohio

Butler, MO 64730


Please direct RFP questions (via email) by August 12, 2024, to:


Corey Snead, City Administrator

[email protected]  


Any response made by the City will be provided in writing to all Proposers by addendum. No verbal responses shall be authoritative. Responses to the questions will be posted on the City’s website:  will be posted within one week of the questions deadline.


No late proposals will be accepted.






The following specific services are requested by the City in the RFP:


1.      Painting and patching the structure of city hall.

2.      Minor structural repair

3.      Foundation/masonry work



·       All work to be "first class" and performed to accepted, highest industry standards.

·       All products to be applied in accordance with manufacturer instructions and recommended coverage rates to ensure proper coverage.

·       All work to be performed in a neat and workmanlike manner to ensure proper coverage and finish with each application.

·       Materials and workmanship provided under these specifications are warranted for minimum of (1) one year from contract completion or for as long as warranted by the paint manufacturer, whichever is longest.

·       Contractor will be responsible for any and all damage to City facilities caused by the Contractor’s employees in the execution of their work. Repairs and/or replacement shall be at the contractor’s expense.

·       Contractor to supply all work materials, tools, drops, ladders, scaffolds, equipment, vehicles or other items necessary to complete the scope of work.

·       Contractor will not store combustible supplies including, but not limited to rags, paper, solvent, chemicals or equipment. The Contractor shall consider contaminated equipment and materials as potentially subject to spontaneous heating and storage of such items is prohibited in City facilities.

·       Care must be taken to contain and dispose of debris resulting from the work. This material is to be contained and removed from the premises by the contractor. Work areas must be cleaned with debris removed daily.

Insurance Required:

·       When project is awarded, successful Vendor must provide proof of insurance as required:

·       Limits of liability for insurance shall be not less than the following amounts, and must be greater where required by other laws or regulations and must be insured on an occurrence basis and not on a “claims made basis:

a.       Workmen's Compensation:

·       State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statutory

·       Applicable Federal . . .  Statutory

                        b.   Comprehensive General Liability:

·       •  Bodily Injury (including completed operation and products liability) and Property Damage:

·       o $2,000,000 . . . . . . Each Occurrence

·       o $2,000,000 . . . . . . Annual Aggregate

·       o or a combined single limit of $2,000,000

·       Property    damage    liability    insurance    will    provide Explosion, Collapse and Underground coverage where applicable.




·       Final paint colors shall be approved by City.

·       Work area to be always kept neat and safe.

·       Scaffolds, ladders, equipment, lifts, staging etc., shall meet OSHA standards.

·       Contractor is responsible for the safety of its own personnel, City employees, and members of the general public. Suitable signs and/or barricades will be placed to ensure safety. 

·       Contractor is responsible for damages to all adjacent areas and items including buildings and walks, shrubbery, trees, lawns, HVAC equipment and will take necessary steps to protect them from damage and to restore them to their original condition.

·       Care must be taken to protect passers-by and property from damages resulting from overspray or other work.

·       Contractor to maintain sufficient personnel and equipment on site to complete project on time and to make continuous progress to completion.

·       A City representative will be available to answer contractors’ questions and coordinate with occupants.

·       City of Butler building is a high traffic public area. The successful contractor and his/her personnel shall not create interruption, noise, or offensive situations that may interfere with the normal business of the City.




City staff will evaluate all proposals. It is possible that interviews will be performed with a select number of contractors prior to formulations of a bid award recommendation to the City Council. Evaluation of the proposals shall be based upon, but not limited to, the factors listed below, not necessarily in the order of their importance:

  • Experience, qualifications, and general abilities of the applicant
  • Quality of the overall project approach
  • Cost proposal
  • Specified warranties and other after-service provisions
  • Bonding capacity, insurance coverage, and other legal matters
  • Quality of references, prior business experience with the contractor, or reputation of contractor with other local municipalities/clients
  • Responsiveness to items as set forth in this RFP.


The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part and/or not select a proposer.  This RFP does not commit City to interview candidates, award a contract, to pay any costs incurred by any proposer in preparing a proposal, to procure or contract any services or to adhere to any predetermined schedule or timelines of events.




If a submission includes any proprietary data or information, such data or information must be specifically identified as such on every page on which it is found.  Data or information so identified will be used by the City solely for the purposes of evaluating submissions and conducting contract negotiations, provided all proposers understand and acknowledge that submissions made in response to this RFP may become matters of public record pursuant to Missouri law applicable to public entities and respondents shall be deemed fully aware of that possibility upon submission of a proposal.




Any submission may be withdrawn or modified by written request of the respondent, provided such request is received by the City at the above address prior to the date and time set for receipt of submissions.




By providing a submission, it is understood by the respondent that the right is reserved by City to accept any submission, to reject any and all submissions as non-responsive and to waive any irregularities or informalities when to do so is in the best interest of the City.




The cost of preparing a response to this RFP will not be reimbursed by the City.


Approval of Completed Project:

·       Completed project must be approved by Mayor James W. Henry and City Administrator Corey Snead.





The proposed project schedule would be as follows (subject to changes):

  • RFP deadline: Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • City Council award: No earlier than Tuesday, September 3, 2024
  • Project initiation: Fall, 2024 or Spring 2025
  • Project Completion: Ideally by March 2025


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