July 17, 2024
Saturday Street Festival will be July 20, 2024.
Venders will be on 4th Street from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00
p.m. Immediately following, there will
be food (cooked by the Appleton City Fire Department) and entertainment
(provided by the Ministerial Alliance) at Forest Park 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The Ellett
Memorial Hospital/AC Clinic Community Block Party will be Saturday, September
28, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. If you
are interested in having a booth, or if you have any questions, please contact
Kim Raybourn at 660-476-5236. KC Wolf
has confirmed making a special appearance at some point during the day. The hospital will be providing free snow
cones and cotton candy, along with a bounce house. Crank Farms will be providing the petting
zoo. They have other vendors and events
already lined up to join them for the day.
Join Ellett Memorial Hospital Facebook and watch for upcoming
information posts on the 2024 Community Block Party page.
The A.C.
Fall City Wide Garage Sale dates have been set for Sept. 20 - 21. This will
also be the weekend of the Saturday Street Festival, so the rental of the Park
pole building, stage or lawn will not be available. Details regarding permits
will be posted at a later date.
local churches are teaming together to provide a week-long community Vacation
Bible School Event: From the Inside Out! VBS will be each evening from
6:00-8:00 p.m., July 22 - 26. Each night will be hosted by a different church:
Monday - Trinity UMC (AC), Tuesday - Rockville UMC, Wednesday - Church of God
(AC), Thursday - Lutheran Church (AC), and Friday - First Christian Church
(AC). This year for VBS, they are going to learn all about our emotions and how
God can transform us from the inside out! There will a prize given to all kids
with perfect attendance for the week. VBS is for PK-6th grade. Kids
under 5 years need to be accompanied by a parent. Pre-register online https://forms.gle/1fhJjxHN4bdniBYv8
Scuba VBS
will be hosted at First Baptist Church of AC July 23-26. SCUBA is for entering kindergarten through
those that have completed 6th grade. They will start with a meal at
5:30 and conclude at 8:30 p.m. each evening. Family members and friends can
join in daily at 8:15 p.m. as they wrap up their day. They also invite families
to church on Sunday, July 28 for the finale and a meal following services. Sign
up free online at: https://forms.gle/jYXzZ22XuCqKy3A4A Paper copies are available upon request. For
information call 660-476-5512 or message on Facebook.
The AC
Carousel is open weekends (Friday – Sunday) 4:00-7:00 p.m. through Labor Day.
Rules will be posted at acmogov.com.
Sunday events for the Appleton City Ministerial Alliance include Wyatt Brown sharing
at the AC Park on August 18 at 6:00 p.m. and Phil & Pam Morgan will at the
AC Park on September 15 at 6:00 p.m. All
events are free to attend. They will
take donations at the ACMA events for the ministries sharing.
Appleton City Museum at 503 N. Maple is open every Friday afternoon 1:30-4:30
p.m. Bring your friends and family to
visit the 1880 Moore School, the Clark House and the Museum to learn about
early day area history. Membership dues for the 2024-2025 year may be paid at
this time at $15 individual and $25 family.
Please support your museum with a membership and a visit this summer.
private tennis lessons are offered to anyone at the tennis courts at
Donnohue-Dugan Park. Rackets and balls
will be provided. To set up appointments
for your private lessons or if you have questions, call Dennis Dunham at
476-2151 or 476-5514 or Tommy Payton at 816-863-6624. Open tennis is every day
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tennis is exercise that is fun!
Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for July
and August 2024 Call 660-476-2111 for
appointments: July 17– Upper GI,
Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin, July 18– Podiatry- Dr. Pace, July 22 – Ophthalmology,
Dr. Soni, July 24- Ortho-Dr. Gray, Aug 1 – OB/GYN, Dr. Kallberg, Aug 6 –
Rheumatology-Dr. John, Aug 7 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Aug 9-
Ortho-Dr. Gray, Aug 14– Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Aug 15– Podiatry-
Dr. Pace, Aug 20 – Rheumatology-Dr. John, Aug 21– Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr.
Namin, Aug 26 – Ophthalmology, Dr.
Soni, Aug 28- Ortho-Dr. Gray.
Little Apple” was started by the A. C. Economic Development as way of informing
residents of news and events sponsored by area businesses and
organizations. Items of a clearly
personal nature, such as birthdays, anniversaries, awards (not group
sponsored), personal sales and the like are not accepted for publication. Items
may be edited for accuracy, grammar or space restrictions. Please email
articles for “The Little Apple” to [email protected] by Tuesday evenings or
bring them to Dr. Payton’s office to be included in that week’s edition. To
receive "The Little Apple" free by e-mail, or to be removed from the
email list, send your e-mail address to [email protected] If you have
changed your email address, please send the current address, so the list can be
20 AC Saturday Street Festival
starting at 11:00 a.m. on Main Street
22-26 Vacation Bible School Event:
From the Inside Out! each evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at various churches
23-26 Scuba VBS at First Baptist
Church of AC. 5:30 p.m.