This press release might sound like a commercial but for those having the responsibility of cooking this year's Thanksgiving meal…. This information will be a blessing for many working mothers…
The Spruce Lodge
Catering Service located near Ballard has been preparing meals and providing
food for gatherings for quite some time… the announcement has been made that this
year they will prepare a full-course meal for 8 to 12 people for just $110, or
choose the option for 4 to 6 people for 70 dollars.
Those placing orders may select either a turkey or ham, the meal includes the classic sides—cheesy potatoes, sweet
potato casserole, green bean casserole—and finish with one of The Spruce Lodge
Catering desserts like dirt cake, pumpkin cream pie trifle, or cherry
If those preparing this years thanksgiving meal would
like to take the work our of the day… contact The Spruce Lodge on their Facebook page. For
more details and to place your order.
Turkey $30.00 serves 8-12
Ham $30.00 serves 8-12
1/2 pans serve 8-12 1/4 pans serve 4-6
Cheesy Potatoes 1/2 $30.00 1/4 $15.00
Sweet Potato Casserole 1/2 $30.00 1/4 $15.00
Green Bean Casserole 1/2 $20.00 1/4 $10.00
Desserts (1-serving shooter cups) $3 a piece
Dirt Cake
Pumpkin Cream Pie Trifle
Cherry Cheesecake
8-12 servings
Option of Turkey or Ham with all the sides listed above and 10 Dessert cups $110.00
Option of Turkey or Ham with all the sides listed above and 5 Dessert cups $70.00