Monday, September 11, 2023

From the Desk of Bates County Coroner, Greg Mullinax

 I will address the police presence on West Ohio Street in Butler earlier today.

Just before 11am officers conducted a wellbeing check at a residence after a concerned party stated they hadn't heard from the subject in approximately a month. An officer entered the residence and located human remains.
As a significant period of time had elapsed, identification of the remains is incomplete pending forensic confirmation and examination to determine cause and manner of death. It is presumed at this time the decedent is the stated resident of the home and the subject of the requested wellbeing check; however I will withhold identifying information until confirmed and family appropriately notified.
I am most appreciative of the assistance of Butler Police today. These are duties nobody desires to perform and their professionalism in these matters often goes unnoticed by the public.
I will provide updates as details become final.
Most respectfully,
Greg D. Mullinax
Bates County Coroner

Rotary Golf Tournament Cancelled due to Rain

Rescheduled due to Rain