Auditions are coming up for the Adrian Community Theater’s upcoming production of the psychological thriller 'The House Amongst the Willows' where their focus will be on a captivating performance in physical gestures, feelings, speech clarity, tone variations, and more.
Auditions will be scheduled for Thursday, January 9, 2025,
beginning at 6:30 by appointment at the Old High School Gym in Butler at
200 West Pine St
Butler, MO 64730
You can enter through the gym door at the back of the
The night of the audition be sure to:
Bring completed audition form
Bring copy of rehearsal/production calendar with any
conflicts noted
Bring a copy of 1 to 2 minute memorized monologue
Will also do a cold reading from a section of the play
Call to reserve your audition spot (816) 239-0555
Go to www.actadrian for all audition info