Bates County News

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Missouri Department of Agriculture is implementing new animal health requirements for cattle and swine exhibitors at fairs and exhibitions in Missouri for 2025.


The Missouri Department of Agriculture is implementing new animal health requirements for cattle and swine exhibitors at fairs and exhibitions in Missouri for 2025.

The new rules become effective Feb. 15, 2025.

MDA is taking a proactive step toward disease prevention and traceability.

Find exhibition rule change information on the MDA website 👉

Movement Info

All animals entering Missouri shall be accompanied by an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI, health certificate) issued within 30 days prior to movement into Missouri unless moving to an approved slaughter facility or to an approved livestock market.

 All health certificates must have the physical address of livestock being moved (No post office boxes) for both the consignor and consignee.

 Missouri only accepts the following electronic CVI formats: eCVI, GVL, VET-CVI, Vet Sentry, VSPS. Missouri accepts most paper forms supplied by a state’s animal health officials, as long as they are provided with unique certificate numbers.

 APHIS form 7001 is not an acceptable document for interstate certificates of veterinary inspection for Missouri imports.

 Permit Info

In some instances, permits are required to import animals into Missouri. Those instances are referenced in the regulations where applicable. If you have questions regarding the animals you are importing into Missouri, or need a permit, call (573) 751-3377. Out-of-state veterinarians can use our online permitting process. This link will take you to a log-in page. If you already have an account, log in and request a permit. If you do not have an account, you will need to register for one. Once you register, you will receive an email that will ask you to create a password to set up your account. Issued permits are only valid for 15 days.

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