Appleton City Rural Health Clinic is now offering free Diabetic Education Classes quarterly. Classes will be held the second Thursday of every third month. The first class is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. January 9 in the Ellett Memorial Hospital Conference Room. Come learn about diabetes and diabetic meal planning from AC Clinic Nurse, Amy Oles. If you are unable to make the class you can call the AC Clinic at 660-476-2121 and set up an appointment to discuss the topics covered in the class.
AC PTO is collecting Food Fair receipts and Best Choice UPC labels January 10. Food Fair receipts need to be from August, 2024 to the present. If they are older, they cannot be submitted. Please send them with students or place them in a plastic bag or envelope and drop them off in the Elementary School Office, St. Clair County State Bank with Janet Payton or Little Apples Learning Center by Friday, January 10. This on-going fundraiser raises a substantial amount of money for PTO to use for the children's classroom trips and teacher requests for supplies.
The Knights of Columbus will have their monthly pancake and sausage breakfast at the Knight’s Hall in Montrose on Sunday, January 12 from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Treat your family to a hot breakfast you don’t have to cook or clean up. A free will donation will be greatly appreciated
Golden Apples will meet at the Forest Park building, January 9, 2025 with anything pasta on the menu at 5:00 pm, followed by a few games of bingo.
The 7th annual Farm to Fork Summit and Expo, hosted by New Growth, will be held 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025, at the Nevada Community Center in Nevada, Missouri. The event connects Midwest farmers, food producers, buyers, and advocates to strengthen the local food supply chain. Sessions will cover diverse topics from marketing to financing such as selling through regional food hubs to using AI for small businesses and participants will enjoy a locally sourced lunch. Tickets are $45 online ($50 at the door), with discounts available for beginning farmers with less than 10 years’ experience. For more information, visit or email [email protected].
Funds are needed for the backpack program. Trinity United Methodist Church in AC houses this project, which is funded by you, the community. They now are sending 37 packs of food home with school kids weekly. Donations may be made to: TUMC, with memo: Backpack. Thank You.
The Appleton City Ministerial Alliance meets throughout the year providing community services and opportunities for the area churches to gather together for worship. Additionally, the ACMA helps people through the region in a variety of ways. In 2023 the ACMA founded the Tony Reynolds Memorial Scholarship, a $1000 scholarship awarded locally to an area student pursuing continuing education post-high school. Some in the community have asked about the ability to make donations directly towards the scholarship fund that are not used in other ACMA endeavors. At any time, you may make donations towards the ACMA and they encourage you to do so. You may make donations at any of their community meetings, or feel free to contact one of the ministers serving in the ACMA for more information.
The Ellett Memorial Hospital Foundation was established in 2000 by a local couple to benefit and carry out the purposes of Ellett Memorial Hospital. The Foundation has played a major role in the Hospital’s recent renovation/expansion project. The Foundation is a 501c3 organization and plays an important role in ensuring the future of the Hospital by providing an avenue for individuals, groups and corporations to lend their financial support through tax-deductible contributions. The Ellett Memorial Hospital Foundation would like to extend an invitation to the community to assist with this project. They would like to welcome all current and past members of the community and service area to make a donation to the Ellett Memorial Hospital Foundation. Donations can be restricted or non-restricted for use as the donor identifies. Recognition will be given for all contributions. For further information, contact Julee Snyder, Ellett Memorial Hospital, 660-476-211.
“The Little Apple” was started by the A. C. Economic Development as way of informing residents of news and events sponsored by area businesses and organizations. Items of a clearly personal nature, such as birthdays, anniversaries, awards (not group sponsored), personal sales and the like are not accepted for publication. Items may be edited for accuracy, grammar or space restrictions. Please email articles for “The Little Apple” to [email protected] by Tuesday evenings or bring them to Dr. Payton’s office to be included in that week’s edition. To receive "The Little Apple" free by e-mail, or to be removed from the email list, send your e-mail address to [email protected] If you have changed your email address, please send the current address, so the list can be updated.
Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for January 2025. Call 660-476-2111 for appointments: Jan 8 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Jan 10- Ortho-Dr. Gray, Jan 14– Rheumatology-Dr. John, Jan 15– Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin, Jan 16– Podiatry- Dr. Pace, Jan 22- Ortho-Dr. Gray, Jan 27 – Ophthalmology, Dr. Soni
Jan 9 Free Diabetic Education Class 4:00 p.m. in the Ellett Memorial Hospital Conference Room.
Jan 12 Knights of Columbus pancake and sausage breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. at the Knights Hall in Montrose
Jan 13-18 43rd Annual Appleton City Basketball Tournament