Funeral services for Louise Foster of Butler, Missouri will be 2 p.m. Friday, December 27, 2024 at Schowengerdt Funeral Chapel (660-679-6555) in Butler, Missouri. Visitation prior to services Friday 12:30 - 2 p.m. at the Schowengerdt Chapel. Burial in Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler. Contributions to First Christian Church of Butler. Online condolences
Louise Foster, age 87 of Butler, Missouri died Friday, December 20, 2024 at her home. She was born March 8, 1937 to Harry Wilford and Velma Good Cherry in Butler, Missouri.
Louise is survived by five children, David Foster and wife Susan of Joplin, Missouri, Denise Adams-Barnes and husband Bobby of Butler, Missouri, Dana Maugans and husband Shawn of Springfield, Missouri, Daryl Foster and wife of Dianne of Appleton City, Missouri and Dustin Foster and wife Misty of Butler, Missouri; 13 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; a sister, Julia Perkey and husband Bill of Rich Hill, Missouri. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bob Foster on December 20, 2022; and a sister, Kathy McCoy.