DSWA CPAs and Carol Ann Winburn are pleased to announce the grand
prize winner of the Coats for Kids participant drawing for 2024. Tom and
Mary Beth Stock of Butler, MO have won a $50 gift card to Udderly Nuts,
located just off the Butler Square, and a $50 gift card to Brew Haven,
located just north of the stoplight on Business Hwy 49 in Butler.
Every year DSWA receives contributions from customers, friends, and
organizations throughout the Bates County area. Then, with the help of
school nurses and teachers from eight area schools who know where the
need lies, every dollar is used to purchase new coats, jackets and lined
hoodies for deserving pre-school, elementary and secondary students.
This year 225 brand new warm coats have been delivered. A huge
thank you goes out to all the generous contributors who helped put
warm smiles on so many young faces.