Tuesday, November 5, 2024

World Wide Candle Lighting Ceremony approaches for 2024

 Excitement is building as the 29th  annual Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony approaches for 2024. Family and friends around the globe will unite as they light candles for one hour to honor and remember children who have died at any age from any cause.

As candles are lit at 7 pm local time, December 8 th a virtual wave of light will be created as hundreds of thousands of persons commemorate and honor the memory of children in a way that transcends all ethnic, cultural, religious and political boundaries.

Now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe, the Worldwide Candle Lighting, a gift to the bereavement community from the compassionate friends, creates a virtual 24 hour wave of light as it moves from time zone to time zone.

Hundreds of formal candle lighting events are held and thousands of informal candle lightings are conducted in homes as families gather in quiet remembrance of children who have died, but will never be forgotten.

Every year you are invited to post a message in the remembrance book which will be available, during the event, at TCF’s national website. All allied bereavement organizations, churches, funeral homes, hospices and formal and informal bereavement groups are invited to join in the December 8th Worldwide Candle lighting at 7 pm.

See the  921kmoe.com website for the link address  . www.compassionatefriends.org

Our hope is that you cherish the precious memories of time spent together  and that you are blessed with  a peace  that lasts the rest of your life.  

Chanz Gerleman of Amsterdam does his part to bring a New Casey's General Store to Butler

  FM 92 spoke with Chanz Gerleman of Amsterdam on Thursday,  December 12 th   after his Facebook post released information to the public re...