The following information has been provided by the citizen’s Bank of Rich Hill. The Papinville and Cemetery Association have many new things planned for this year’s activities. The menu for this year will be: fish fry, pork loin, potato salad, baked beans, green beans, cole slaw, bread, desserts, ice tea and lemonade. The dinner will be served at 5:30 and it is a freewill donation.
Citizen’s Bank of Rich
Hill promote the activities that are scheduled for September 28th:
music 1:30, wagon ride to the bridge and information about the bridge 2:00, silent
auction starts at 3:00 ending at 6:00,
Children and adult games (this includes Chicken Poop and starts at 1:30) , Bingo
with prizes at 3:00, pie contest winners and pie auction will be at 4:00,
Papinville Dinner served at 5:30.
Citizens Bank of Rich
Hill reminds those attending the Papinville Picnic …. If you would like to donate an item to the Papinville
Picnic silent auction, contact 660-200-5620 via text message. Have your pie
at the museum by 2:30 so they can get the paperwork done. Pie entries
are cream, fruit and other.
A ribbon will be awarded for each first place
and remember to place your name on your pie. Children ages 6 -14 entries are
the same as adults. If you bring a dessert for the dessert table or pie auction
be sure it is in a throw away pan.
That’s the Annual
Papinville Picnic in Papinville on Saturday September 28th This
public service message has been paid for by Citizen’s Bank of Rich Hill.