Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Town to Village Water Project has been completed Thank you Bates County

 You  Did It Bates County and Friends!
The generosity of Bates County Residents has provided water to 117 people in Nepal!

   The Fundraiser has completed the Town to Village Project. The project has been in the works for several years and has now been completed. 
             Several problems accused along the way. The workers battled floods, washing away some of the roads, and even an earthquake. This slowed the project down, but perseverance paid off and the project is complete and made with infrastructure that is built to withstand the conditions in the area.
              The people in these villages had to retrieve their water by walking down the mountain, getting water in containers and carrying it back up the mountain. Local donations by those in Bates county has  paid for 13 piped systems that brings the water up the mountain to them.  This has changed lives, providing more time for schooling and other life-improvement opportunities! All because some people in a little area in the United States in Missouri cared.
   *A thank you to those that made cash donations. 
                David and Debbie Norman of Butler,  would like to say thank you again to all the people that contributed to the project. From the guy who paid $40 for two peppers at the farmers market, to the anonymous donor of $3,000, to the businesses that donated to the silent auction, and everyone in between, bless you for your compassion.


McGennis Youth Center Barbecue and Auction Set for Sunday, September 29

  McGennis Youth Center Barbecue and Auction Set for Sunday, September 29   This year’s annual McGennis Youth Center Barbecue and Auctio...