Monday, August 26, 2024

Love Fund for Zeb Robertson

Bates County, we have a neighbor with some pretty urgent needs.

We all know that the Bates County community is one that helps when others are in need. It has been proven time and time again and your generosity is once again needed.

Zeb Robertson has been diagnosed with cancer and all options have been exhausted. With the help of hospice, Zeb's remaining time can be spent in the comfort of his own home surrounded by his loved ones.

If you can help Zeb Robertson and his family, it would be greatly appreciated. A Love Fund has been set up at the Adrian Bank Butler Branch in the name of his sister-in-law Kristy Buckner. Bless you all for any help you can give.

Chili and Ham / Bean Supper

  Because of inclement weather, the Butler Rotary Club had to postpone and reschedule their chili and ham/bean supper. It will now be held o...