The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney, and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present on Monday, July 8th
John Gray met with the Commission. He stated that there are a
couple of things that need to stop. He has been a resident of Bates County for
30 years. He is about God, family, and his country. He is not a politician. John
said he was tired of complaining and hearing complaints, so he decided to run
for office. Chad Anderson did not pick him to run but he would be honored if Chad
did. Chad never asked him to run. John has been slandered online and lied
about. He had a personal friend's business attacked just because he had a sign
in front of his desk. John stated that all of this has come from the Mooney
family. John has a good Attorney.
Ken Mooney said it is not
him. John Gray said that he doesn't do that. He will not and has not done that
to Ken nor will his children. John said he would like to see it stopped. He
said the race was between Ken and himself. The race is about Bates County. John
said he would appreciate it if the slander and mudslinging would stop. He said
the Commission was the big reason he ran. The Commission could take the credit
for it. Jim asked John what he was hearing about the Commission. John said
slander, money was missing and complaints about roads and bridges. Jim asked
John what money and John didn't know. Jim said that there is no money missing.
The Auditors can't find anything. Jim said that they hear things too. The books
are open, and people can come and ask to see it. They are transparent. Jim also
said that they have no control over the roads. Ken said they are trying to help
the Townships more. Jim told John if he hears anything or finds something that
is not done right to let them know.
Charles Rush came in with an update on the Health Insurance for
County Employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of K.C. is showing a 5.9% increase
for this year. This is the lowest rate of insurance of any of the companies
they have talked to.
Ken made the motion to continue with Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Trent Seconded the motion. All voted yes. No Opposition. Motion passed.
The Commission voted on giving the rest of the ARPA out as
follows. Trent made the motion to give $45,453.22 for the City of Rockville's
sewer and water project as per their application. Ken made the motion to give
$16,115.00 to the Butler Food Pantry for a walk-in freezer per their
application. Jim seconded both motions. All voted yes. No opposition. Motion