Thank you so very much for helping make this 71st Annual Butler Saddle Club Rodeo with Big Horn Rodeo Company a success!!!
The community &
attendees, the contestants- both big & small , the Awesome Sponsors,
the volunteers, the Saddle Club Members,
Emergency Response teams, Ballard FFA
& Butler Band Booster Club— THANK YOU!!
Because of you all, the Butler Saddle Club can continue to
provide a great Rodeo each year, but most of all— be a blessing to others &
give back to our community.
Congratulations to the winners for the 2024 Butler
Saddle Club Rodeo:
Wild Horse Race: Osage Outlaws: Dalton Bogan, Dalton Akin &
Brandon Sleeper from Pawhuska, OK.
Mutton Busting: Preslee Chism of Butler, MO. Parents: Brandon & Amy Chism.
Congratulations to our 2024 BSC Rodeo Queen: Bree Baney of Harrisonville, MO!! Bree is the Daughter of Landon & Tami Baney and Granddaughter of Jolene Danforth.
Raffle Ticket Winner of a Savage Rife with Scope or $500.00 — Marshall Mayfield!
Raffle Ticket Winner of a State Fair 4 pack or $200.00 — Jeremy Thomson