Butler Saddle Club Rodeo Candidates are wanted for the 2024 Butler Rodeo.
This event is held in June and here
are the qualifications for your registration.
QUEEN Candidates must be
- between the ages of 16-21 years
old the start of rodeo weekend
-never married and no kids
-must ride a horse
-judged on 4
categories:horsemanship, ticket sales, personality, and appearance.
PRINCESS Candidates must be
- between the ages of 9-15 years old
the start of rodeo weekend
-judged on 3 categories:appearance,
ticket sales, and personality.
To sign up call or text Lacey Lee at 660-464-4732.
Deadline to sign up is April 29 at
6pm. There will be a mandatory informative meeting on an April 29 at 6pm. The
meeting will be held at the Butler Saddle Club Arena.
That’s Queen and Princess Rodeo
Candidates wanted for the 2024 Butler Saddle Club Rodeo.