The Papinville Historical Association will be having a 5k walk/ run, corn hole tournament plus many more activities on June 8th. This will be a benefit to help with our expansion project that the association voted on at our annual meeting April 11th. The project is to build a new museum and use what is now the museum for a hall that can be used for indoor events., programs and for people to rent for family gatherings. We would be able to have more events with an indoor facility.
This event will be the first activity to help us get started on this project of expansion. Registration for the 5k walk/run can be picked up at the Rich Hill and Butler Citizens Bank locations or go to Facebook to the Papinville Historical Association and print out a form. If you would like a t-shirt it is $20 per person and no shirt will be $15 per person. Send in form with fee by May 20th if you would like a shirt.
If you want to be in the corn hold tournament you will sign up the day of the event on June 8th by 10:30 am there will be 2 people to a team and the entry fee is $25 per team. A prize will be given to the winning team.
There will be food served starting at 11:30. Menu will be hot dogs and hamburgers with several sides. Menu and additional events will be in the Mid America Shopper, through the FM 92.1 radio station as well as their Facebook page and web site. There will be a short history series about the trail through the newspaper and radio station in the next few weeks as well.
We hope that you will come out and enjoy these events. If you would like to be a sponsor to help with this project call 417-395-2594 or 816-590-1029 and your business or family name will do on the shirts, Papinville is where Bates County was Founded. Until next week you will get the rest of the story. If you have never been to Papinville this would be a good time to see the history area that the missionaries came to in 1821.
-Submitted by Phillis Stewart