After almost 30 years, Henry County Sheriff Kent Oberkrom has announced his retirement. The following is a letter from the Sheriff himself.
On December 31, 2024, I will retire as your Sheriff, after having served for 28 years. First and foremost, I want to thank my wife Diane and our family for their loving support
over the years. This career would not have been possible without each and every one of them. Secondly, thank you to the citizens of Henry County for your support, trust and the
opportunity to serve as your Sheriff for seven terms. Your help with the campaigns, financial support and the many other ways you have given will always be deeply
As I prepare to leave office, I reflect on the importance of the Office of Sheriff. Sheriffs are the only law enforcement officials that are directly accountable to the people. Other
agency heads are appointed by elected officials. There is a very important difference and as you elect a new Sheriff this year, my hope is that each of you will consider carefully
the duties, responsibilities, accountability, integrity of the person you vote for. Many of you have never known any other Sheriff as they have served over the years. There have been many good ones, but also a few that have used the office to their own financial and political gain. Other than the election process, politics has no place in the Office of Sheriff in my opinion. We have treated all matters fairly, equally and within the constitution. Those values are essential for a Sheriff in the leadership that they show to their staff and the community they serve.
“By the grace of God go I”, is a phrase that I say frequently around the office. It has so many meanings for me and the way bad things work out most of the time,by having faith. My life has been touched by many great people. My parents, Sam and Pat Oberkrom, who taught me the value of hard work, my in-laws Neil and May Crayden for accepting me into their family with love and support and last but not least, JC Smith, my mentor, who helped me understand the true meaning of helping those in need to grow and become their best.
I look forward to working with the new Sheriff in transitioning the Office for the benefit of the citizens of Henry County.
Thank you and may God bless each of you.