Property Bid
3 N. Water Street
Butler, MO 64730
The City of Butler, Missouri will accept sealed bids from bidders for
the property located at 3 N. Water Street, until 5:00 p.m., on March 14, 2024,
at the City Clerk’s Office in Butler City Hall, 22 W. Ohio Street, P.O. Box
420, Butler, Missouri for the following property:
Legal description of property
situated in the City of Butler, Bates County, Missouri is as follows:
The North 77 feet of the West
81 feet of Lot 4 in Block 1 of Montgomery’s Third Addition to the Town, now
City of Butler, Bates County, Missouri.
The City reserves
the right to reject any and all bids and waive any irregularities or
informalities in any bid.
Bids will be
opened and read aloud at 10:00 a.m., March 15, 2024, and considered by the City
Council at their meeting at 7:00 p.m., March 19, 2024.
Please contact
Corey N. Snead, City Administrator, for any additional questions about the
property at 660-679-4182.