Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Little Apple News

 January 24, 2024


Because of the icy conditions on Monday this week, AC trash pickup will be on Friday, January 26 instead of the normal Thursday.


The Appleton City High School Alumni Scholarship Foundation, Inc. will be awarding seven $3,000 scholarships to the graduating seniors in May, 2024.  Students may be attending any type of post-secondary training.  The applicants' names are eliminated from the forms before being mailed to the out-of-town alumni judges.  Seniors may pick up their forms from the school counselor.  The deadline for application is March 6 at 9:00 a.m.  All ACHS seniors are encouraged to participate.  These awards are made possible by contributors interested in the youth of the Appleton City area.


Due to the inclement weather last weekend, River of Life Fellowship, 2nd and Vernon Streets in Rockville, has rescheduled the Deliverance Seminar to the weekend of January 27 - 28.  They will have a meeting at 3:00 p.m. with Dr. Steve Highlander and Pastor Cody Persell, both sharing about deliverance, followed by a light snack meal.  They will then have an evening worship meeting followed by teaching and a time of individual prayer for healing and deliverance, to begin near 6:00 p.m. Regular Sunday morning includes Sunday School and fellowship at 9:30 a.m., followed by worship service with Cody ministering and praying over needs, beginning around 10:15 a.m.  The weekend concludes with an evening service Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. that will have a time of worship and teaching, as well as a mass deliverance meeting.  There is no cost associated with any of these meetings and all are welcome to attend any or all of them.


St. Mary's School will have their annual dinner on Saturday, February 3 from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. in St. Mary's School basement.  The dinner consists of spaghetti, salad, breadsticks, dessert, tea, and lemonade.  The dinner is a free will donation.  They will also be having a silent auction, 50-50 raffle, and 2 basket raffles.  Names will be drawn for everything at 8:30 p.m.  You do not need to be present to win. 


The Knights of Columbus will have their monthly pancake and sausage breakfast at the Knight’s Hall in Montrose on Sunday, February 4 from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.  Treat your family to a hot breakfast you don’t have to cook or clean up.  A free will donation will be greatly appreciated


According to state statute Sec. 262-577, RSMo 69, citizens of voting age in St. Clair County have the opportunity to vote and elect members of the University of Missouri Extension Council in January. At least one person has been nominated for each of the elective positions in their respective district. County residents can vote in person during the week of January 21 at the University of Missouri St. Clair County Extension Office, 655 Second Street, 1st floor of the Courthouse in Osceola.  If you are unable to reach the voting site, you can cast your vote on-line.  On-line voting is simple. Just log onto and click on “Council election”. Cast your vote for the representatives of your district by following the simple instructions. This year’s candidates are: North District (Townships: Appleton, Monegaw, Chalk Level, Butler, Jackson, Taber, Osage and Center) Sharon Murray.  South District (Townships: Osceola, Polk, Dallas, Collins, Washington, Doyal, Roscoe and Speedwell) Karry Phillips and Kathy Colby.


It is once again time for any non-profits to determine if they could use a quilt to help with their fund raising needs.  All you have to do is write an essay and send it in.  Best essay wins.  Your essay should tell who your non-profit is, what it does and how you would use the quit to raise money for the non-profit.  Be sure to include your mailing address and phone number. Send the essay to Elva Gwinn Huffman Essay Contest c/o DbarJ Quilts etc, PO Box 48, Rockville MO 64780. This year, they will accept email submissions at [email protected]. All essays need to arrive before March 31, 2024 as they will be read April 2. Any question may be asked at 660-679-1809.


Extension services from universities of Kansas State, Oklahoma State, Missouri, and Arkansas are providing a joint conference titled the KOMA Beef Cattle Conference.  This year’s Missouri portion of the conference will be held on February 12, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the MU Southwest Research Extension and Education Center, 14548 State Rd H, Mount Vernon, MO 65712. This year’s conference will update the public on recent research from the 4 universities in cattle feeding, supplementation, reproduction, and grazing management.  These presentations will be given by university agricultural graduate students and professors.  In addition, there will be a keynote presentation given by James Mitchell who is an extension livestock economist with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. A catered lunch will be provided by MERCK Animal Health.  In addition, snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the day. Agriculture businesses that support the event will also have booths set up.  Attendees can visit the booths and learn how their products can help improve their beef cattle operation. To attend the event, register and pay the fee prior to February 8.  Fee for the event is $20 per person.  No refunds for cancellations after the registration deadline.  No walk-in registrations allowed.  Register online at  For questions related to registration or the conference contact the Cedar County MU Extension Center at (417) 276-3313, ext. 4, or by email at [email protected].


Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for January. Call 660-476-2111 for appointments: Feb 1– OB/GYN, Dr. Kallberg, Feb 7– Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis,  Feb 9 - Ortho-Dr. Gray,  Feb 13 – Rheumatology-Dr. John,  Feb 14– Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Feb 15– Podiatry- Dr. Pace, Feb 21 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin, Feb 28 - Ortho-Dr. Gray,  Feb 28 – Ophthalmology-Dr. Soni.


Jan 26     Trash pickup in Appleton City

Jan 27-28     River of Life Fellowship Deliverance Seminar

Feb 3       St. Mary's School (Montrose) annual dinner 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. in St. Mary's School basement

Feb 4       Knights of Columbus pancake and sausage breakfast at the Knight’s Hall in Montrose 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. 



February Butler Chamber Luncheon

  The Butler Chamber of Commerce has a  great Chamber Luncheon planned for early February!     The Bates Social Event Spac e  will be hostin...