Bates County News

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Butler Senior Center to Host Circle of Friends

 Care Connection for Aging Services invites you to join Circle of Friends at the Butler Senior Center.

Circle of Friends is geared toward seniors (Age 60+) in need of more social support and connection in their community. The program starts January 8th at 10 a.m. and will meet every Monday for twelve weeks. During the first meeting, the participants will talk about their interests so that the sessions can be tailored to their interests. The rest of the meetings will focus on topics and activities that the group chooses. A moderator will help to guide the sessions, but members will be able to connect naturally.

“The goal is for them to become friends, really,” said Marilyn Gunter, Family Caregiver Director for Care Connection for Aging Services. “It’s a way to bring together people that would not meet otherwise to form that friendship. It’s to allow members to form closer bonds from week to week.”

Several Care Connection Care Managers have trained to moderate and administer the program through St. Louis University, which adapted it from Helsinski University in Finland to address the growing challenge of social isolation among older adults. The goal of the program is to help participants form bonds of friendship that last long after the sessions have ended.

Those interested in participating in Circle of Friends can register at the Butler Senior Center or go online to

Bonnie Juanita Dickerson, age 76 of Butler

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