Bates County News

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Little Apple: News from Appleton City

 The monthly Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at the Appleton City Church of God will be 7:00 a.m. Saturday September 9.  All the men of the community are invited to join them for a time of great food and fellowship.  Ryan Campos will have a short devotional. 


The Knights of Columbus will have their monthly pancake and sausage breakfast at the Knight’s Hall in Montrose on Sunday, September 10 from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.  Treat your family to a hot breakfast you don’t have to cook or clean up.  A free will donation will be greatly appreciated


AC PTO is collecting Food Fair receipts and Best Choice UPC labels September 13.  Food Fair receipts need to be from May 2023 to the present.  If they are older, they cannot be submitted.  Please send them with students or place them in a plastic bag or envelope and drop them off in the Elementary School Office, St. Clair County State Bank with Janet Payton or Little Apples Learning Center by Wednesday, September 13. This on-going fundraiser raises a substantial amount of money for PTO to use for the children's classroom trips and teacher requests for supplies. 


The AC Fall City Wide Garage Sales dates are set for September 22 - 23. Permits are $5 and can be purchased at City Hall through noon on Wednesday September 20. Permits to set up in the AC Park are $25 for the pole shelter, $15 for the stage, $10 for lawn permits and these fees cover both days. Park permits can also be purchased at City Hall on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved by phone. Maps will be available at Food Fair, Casey's, Fika & Powell's True Value beginning Thursday afternoon. House of Joy Ministry will be at the City Park Saturday from 3:00-5:00 to pick up donations. (If their trailer fills up before 5:00 they may leave early) For questions please call Dianne Foster at 660-679-1125.


The annual Community Block Party, sponsored by Ellett Memorial Hospital and A.C. Clinic, will be 9:00 – 2:00 Saturday, September 30, 2023. At the block party kids can enjoy a petting zoo, bounce house, face painting, and get up close to a real ambulance and fire truck.  KC Wolf will also make an appearance and be available for photos. There will also be free snow cones.  Bring your kids down to Ellett Memorial Hospital for the Block Party.  While you're there, check out the food and shopping vendors.  It’ll be a fun day for the whole family. Follow them on Facebook for more info at EMHCommunityBlockParty


Story Hour at the AC Public Library meets Mondays at 11:00 a.m.  Children ages 5 and under are invited to join Ms. Lindy for a story and a craft. 


Golden Apples Social Club invites men and women (50+) to a pot roast, potatoes and carrots dinner 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 31 at Forest Park Building in AC. Bring a side dish that that goes well with this main dish, bring a dessert or charitable donation if you wish.  You are welcome to bring a friend to this free event and join them for an evening of fun. They will celebrate August birthdays and wedding anniversaries. There will be more fun following dinner with playing Bingo and winning prizes.  For any questions, call Wanda at 913-526-9029 or Anita at 660-492-0170.


The 1963 Appleton City Football Team will be recognized at half time of the ACHS September 15 home game.  This is the team that beat Butler and tied Warrensburg 0-0 for West Central Conference Co-Champs. They are trying to get the word out so the team (Freshmen - Seniors and Cheerleaders) can make arrangements to be present.  They need your help in contacting everyone


University of Missouri Extension will hold a free monthly webinar series for sheep and goat producers starting September 26, 2023. The series will be hosted by David Brown, MU Extension small ruminant specialist, alongside other experts in small ruminant production. The webinar is designed to provide research-based educational programs to small ruminant producers across the state. Topics are selected to address the immediate needs of producers with the aim of optimizing production and profit. Webinar topics include sheep and goats for beginners; feeding and nutrition; disease control; biosecurity; marketing and sales; economics; veterinary tips; predator and parasite control, including FAMACHA system, fecal egg count and BioWorma; pasture management; multispecies grazing; accelerated lambing and basic lambing and kidding skills. Sheep and goat producers, youths, stakeholders, entrepreneurs, and those interested in ag diversification and profit are invited to attend. There will be an opportunity in each webinar session for questions and answers. In addition, producers may request topics of interest to their operation. This is a free webinar series, but registration is required to receive a Zoom link for sessions. Register for the September 26 webinar at  For more information on the registration, contact the MU Extension Center in St. Clair County at 417-646-2419 or David Brown at [email protected].


The SW MO Cattlemen’s Association Fall Tour will be September 15-16.  At this time, the itinerary includes a beef research facility at OSU, several large-scale ranches/seedstock outfits, the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, and Oklahoma National Stockyards.  They are awaiting confirmation from a seedstock operation that utilizes ET and AI, is successful in the show ring, and markets beef directly to consumers. They’ve even been voted best beef in Oklahoma in 2022.  Each day, members will be responsible for breakfast, while their tour fee ($300.00) will cover lodging, transportation, meals, and tickets.  You have to be a MO Cattlemen’s Association Member to attend.  The tour bus will load from the Southwest Research Center at 6:30 a.m. on Friday September 15, and will depart at 7:00 a.m. They are expected to return around 4:00 p.m. the following day. Registration for the Fall Tour will officially close on Friday September 8 or when bus/hotel capacity is met. To register, contact Nathan Isakson 573-578-2518. 


Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for September, 2023.  Call 660-476-2111 for appointments: Sept 6 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Sept 7 – OB/GYN, Dr. Kallberg, Sept 8 - Ortho-Dr. Gray, Sept 12 – Rheumatology-Dr. John,  Sept 13 - Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin,  Sept 20 – Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin, Sept 21– Podiatry- Dr. Pace, Sept 27 - Ortho-Dr. Gray,  Sept 27 – Ophthalmology – Dr. Soni.


Sept 9     Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at the Appleton City Church of God 7:00 a.m.

Sept 10   Knights of Columbus pancake and sausage breakfast at the Knight’s Hall in Montrose 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.

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