Bates County News

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Harrisonville Trunk or Treat


The Harrisonville community is invited to the 10th annual Trunk-or-Treat on the Historic Harrisonville Square on October 29 from 3-5 p.m.

Businesses, organizations, and individuals will “sponsor” car trunks on the square full of Halloween treats and fun.

Children of all ages are invited to wear their Halloween costume and trick-or-treat around the square.

The event is free, but non-perishable food donations will be collected for admission. The donations will be given to the Shepherd’s Staff Food Pantry.

The square will be closed to traffic during the event. Participants are encouraged to park in the city lots near the library and enter the square at the corner of Wall and Lexington.

The event is being sponsored by the Harrisonville Parks and Recreation Department and the Harrisonville Rotary Club.

Event Expectations

1. Set up begins at 2 p.m. Enter the square at the corner of Independence & Wall. Spots will be on a first come, first serve basis (with a few exceptions).

2. If you are doing a game or activity, you are asked that you choose a spot on the north or west side of the square.

3. Theyd also like to ask that you try to park in every other spot so that there's a space between each vendor. There will be a limited the number of trunks on the south side as that tends to be the side that backs up.

4. You may decorate your trunk and/or wear costumes.  Be sure the costumes/decor is child-appropriate.

5. The event runs from 3-5 p.m. Be sure you have treats for at least 1,500 kids.

Plan to be there until 5:30 p.m. as they want most families cleared out before vehicles begin moving for everyone’s safety.

6. The TRUNK OR TREAT event is sponsored by the Harrisonville Rotary Club and Harrisonville Parks & Recreation. The purpose of this event is to provide children and families with a fun and safe Halloween experience. The Club appreciates the support from our local businesses and organizations. It is not a problem to advertise your business or organization with signs from your vehicle location. However, it is asked that there be no soliciting or handing out of marketing materials at this event.

Questions? Email [email protected]

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